We are sorry that the item arrived defective or with missing parts.
Go to "Your Account" and click on the "Returns and Claims" button. Select the order, the defective or missing product and provide us with all the information so that we can resolve the issue as soon as possible.
You have 14 calendar days from when you received the order to make this claim.
Important note: Use this button only to notify the existence of a defective or missing item. It is obligatory to inform us before returning the item. Failure to do so may result in the return being denied.
Will I automatically receive a replacement?
After the review, if the claim is accepted, we will refund the full amount paid for this item without incurring any return costs, or, if we have product availability, we will deliver a new product to you.
Norime Jus informuoti, kad šioje formoje pateiktus asmens duomenis tvarkys „Funiglobal Development SL“ („Funidelia“). Pagrindinis šios informacijos tikslas yra atsakyti į jūsų prašymus ar klausimus. Legitimizavimas vyksta duomenų subjekto sutikimu. Informuojame, kad jūsų duomenys nebus perduoti trečiosioms šalims. Jūs turite teisę pasiekti, ištaisyti ir ištrinti duomenis, be kitų teisių, kaip paaiškinta prieinamoje privatumo politikoje čia.